Guess what everyone? THAT IS A WRAP! I have been waiting five months to be able to say that! And it feels so good! This was the last official photo shoot for my cookbook Sweet in the Raw: Naturally Healthy Desserts. All I can say is that Mikey is the MAN! He spent so many hours making my desserts small pieces of art. I love every shot. Now comes the more challenging work for me–finding a graphic designer, and then locking in the 45 recipes for the cookbook. We shot a little over 50 recipes, but only the top 45 will make the cut. I will choose based on the degree of simplicity to make the recipe, the dessert’s photogenic quality, and how well received the dessert was by our samplers!
I am learning so much through this process. Every day brings a new skill set and challenge! There is never a boring day here. Bring it on….
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