Everyone, guess what!!! Last week, I completed my first half marathon! I should start off by telling you that I am not what most people would consider a runner. Anything over a mile at a time I find myself counting down every minute and hoping that my music mix will keep me inspired… So why, might you ask, did I agree to sign up for a half marathon? Well, simply put — peer pressure.
A few of my Marquis Pilates’ girls signed up for the Rock n Roll Half Marathon last year and decided to make a “Team Marquis”. One catch… they wanted me to be the captain. So, with more than a year to train, I agreed. How hard could this be? I had plenty of time to train, I’d consider myself fit… I am of the mindset of you can do anything you put your mind to, so why not?
One small problem… In order to reach your goals, you should actively be working towards them on the regular. Well, I completely dropped the ball. I should have been more then good to go, but life, business and the book somehow seemed to keep me so busy that the months just slipped by with no more than my regular Pilates and hiking routine.
I would be a liar if I said I felt prepared and ready to kill it the day of the Rock n Roll Half Marathon! (Although I sure did look the part with our awesome team capris) Really, my only goal was to make sure I wasn’t that person who got picked up in the car that picks up the people going too slow. But, as the race started I wanted to do more than just get by. I wanted to see what I was capable of. Lucky for me, I had my partner in crime, Simonia, who knew just how to pace me. She kept me going when the hills hit (I HATE HILLS) and was there to high five me at every mile. Things were going so well! I surprised myself. At the 7 mile mark, we were set to complete this race with a 10 minute mile which was amazing to me. But, then, tragedy stuck.
Before the race, naively, my only concern was my endurance. I assumed I would become winded or my heart would be beating out of my chest, but that wasn’t the case at all! What I learned at mile 8 is that people train to prep their body — more specifically, their joints. At mile 8, I was aware my left knee what not happy with what I was putting it through. So, being the therapeutic massage therapist and pilates instructor I am, I decided I would walk it out a bit, stretch my hips and calves and then, in theory, I should be good to go again. But sadly, I was wrong. I spent the last 5 miles of the race attempting to jog, fast walk and then just limp. Then I started feeling my ankles, both on fire. But again, lucky for me, my girl Simonia was still there cheering me on. She walked when I needed to and jogged when I thought I could.
When the last mile came up, I refused to keep hobbling. I looked at Simonia and said, “Let’s do this!” We jogged through the disco tunnel and all the way to the finish line. We crossed at just under 3 hours. Although it wasn’t the best time ever, I could truly say I gave it all I had… without properly training. Now me, a girl who could have cared less to ever do a half marathon in her life, can say I have completed So Cal’s coolest race and, believe it or not, I may actually do another one in the future! With proper training of course.
As for my knee and ankles — I iced them as soon as I crossed the finish line and started some rehab work on them that afternoon. Now, a little over a week later, I am back to me and back to my low impact activities. What I learned from this adventure is that with a little determination, a few great friends and some awesome tunes, you can push your further than you think. GO TEAM MARQUIS!!!
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