vegan desserts
Sweets in the Raw Pre-Release Book Signing
I am still coming down from all the love last week! Last saturday, I had my first Book Signing Event as an extra special thank you to all of the people who inspired me to create my new book Sweets In The Raw:Naturally Healthy Desserts. About 3 years ago, I would make healthy vegan desserts for my clients at Marquis Pilates & Fitness at our annual holiday parties. They continued to ask me for the recipes and would hire me to make desserts for their parties. A year later, I had the crazy idea of putting a book together just for them, but, somewhere along the way, it got sooo much bigger than that! As I posted pictures on my Facebook and Instagram, I started gaining some attention. I realized that there was nothing out there like what I was trying to create! That was when I decided that if I was gonna do this, I should do it BIG! I wanted the whole world to be able to have access to healthy desserts. And that is exactly what I am working on!
Last saturday, I am so blessed to say I had so much love and support. Of course I had all of my friends from the studio come, but I was so surprised and excited to also see people that I hadn’t seen in over 4-6 years! I had old colleagues, crossfit buddies and massage clients show their love and check out what this Naturally Healthy Desserts journey was all about! To say it all went well would be an understatement. We even ran out of desserts, it was so busy!
But, there is even better news! Although I was originally told that I could only sell advanced copies of my book at this one time event, there have been so many requests for my book that I have been given the green light to sell additional pre-released copies between now and July 31st! Yes, that’s right! If you wanted to get a pre-release copy of the book but couldn’t make it to the book signing, it isn’t too late! Just click this link to order.
My journey has just begun! September 1st will be my BIG official national release! In the meantime I will need your help to share this book and message of real #naturallyhealthy desserts with the world. Please feel free to share pictures of the delicious desserts you are making and share your favorite recipes with your friends! Thank you again everybody!
PS: Be on the lookout for the Strawberry Cheesecake Tutorial video next friday on my youtube channel.
The day is almost here, the day of my very first book signing. Two years ago, when I first decided I was going to create a healthy dessert cookbook without refined sugars, I had no idea the journey it would take me on. My goal at the time was pretty simple: create a couple dozen healthy and delicious dessert alternatives for my friends, family and clients and put it into a cute cookbook… Easy enough, right?
In the industry of healthy and fitness, there is a lot of time and energy put into the next big fad and way too much time spent telling everyone what they can’t have and very little on what you can have. After taking the time to learn and understand what highly processed foods and sugars do to the body, I began some R&D into the healthiest desserts I knew of at the time — vegan desserts. Unfortunately, I found that many of these desserts were using highly processed ingredients. I then turned to raw desserts and, although the basic concept was amazing — simple, no baking required, all whole ingredients — they still weren’t actually healthy. Most of recipes I found were loaded with so much refined sugar (the kind that makes your blood sugar go sky high) that it completely cancelled out the benefits of the whole foods they were being paired with! Lucky for me, I came across a few bloggers, chefs and cooks who showed me how to use whole ingredients in a new way! People like: Susan Powers of, Angela Liddon of, Megan Gilmore of, Heather Pace of, Laura-Jane The Rawtarian at and Ella Leché of Now all of these beautiful ladies don’t necessarily just make desserts or exclusively use unrefined ingredients. But, thanks to them, I was truly inspired to start using natural sugars in completely new ways. After learning that skill, the recipe crafting process came quite easily, after all, I did grow up in a kitchen with a mom making homemade desserts on the daily! Months of playing in the kitchen and 46 recipes later, I now have what is the very first raw, vegan family & kid-friendly dessert cookbook made with no refined sugars or processed ingredients – Sweets In The Raw: Naturally Healthy Desserts!
Strawberry Cheesecake
If you are looking for crowd-pleasing Valentines’s Day dessert then look no further! This vegan strawberry cheesecake is all you will need! It is fresh, light and creamy!
- 1 cup raw almonds
- 6 6 deglet noor dates
- dash salt
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- 2 cups raw cashews (soaked for 2 hours)
- 8 medjool dates
- 2/3 cup refined coconut oil melted
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 1/4 cup bing cherries for color
- 2 cups strawberries
- Process all ingredients until graham cracker-like consistency in the food processor. Firmly press crust mixture into the base of 2 small springform or 12 mini molds. Set aside.
- Process all ingredients except for strawberries and cherries until even blended. Add remaining fruit until smooth, even consistency in the food processor. Evenly spread filling onto base. Set aside in freezer.
Helpful Hint: If you are unable to use fresh fruit, be sure to fully thaw your strawberries before adding them into the filling; otherwise the coconut oil will harden up and create a chunky looking texture.
Chocolate Fudge
I can’t believe it’s that time of the year again! This time last year, I made it my personal mission to create the first NATURALLY HEALTHY DESSERT COOKBOOK! As I reflect on all the great gifts and achievements of 2015, I wonder what other amazing opportunities await in 2016. At least, the book is officially done and 2016 will be my year to share it with the world!
Now, without further ado, I bring you my latest recipe! Drum roll, please…Chocolate Fudge! This Chocolate Fudge recipe is the healthiest version of fudge you will ever find. It’s the perfect holiday treat to enjoy and share with friends and family!
Happy Holidays,
Laura Marquis
- 1/3 cup hazelnuts
- 1/2 cup cacao powder
- 1/4 cup refined coconut oil melted
- 3/4 cup date paste
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
- Process all the dry ingredients together until they form a flour-like consistency in the food processor. Add the remaining ingredients and process until the mixture is even and smooth in consistency. Add chopped walnuts, if desired. Place into 4x4 inch pan lined with parchment paper. Freeze for 2 hours. Cut into small square pieces, serve and enjoy.
Helpful Hint
I cut these while still frozen to create perfectly square bites. Extras can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week or the freezer for up to one month.